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SWAN Con '23 is one of the most anticipated women's events in the West Michigan area. With captivating speakers, mouthwatering food, and group activities that engage introverts and extroverts alike, SWAN Con is a one-day conference that will impact woman for months to come.
After the success of SWAN Con '22, we fully expect that tickets will sell quickly and seating is limited.
See below for more details on what to expect!

They say the past is an indicator of the future.
Take a glance at some of the wonderful moments captured during SWAN Con '22.
To see more detail, click the large image.
What to Expect for SWAN Con '23!
SWAN Con is a one-day event for women that embodies the mission of SWAN - Strong Women Arise Network:
Supporting women at all stages of their careers to improve their mindset and skillset through inspiration, education, and connection.

SWANcon'23 Details & Speakers

Angela will be speaking on the topic of managing the conflict between big goals and life balance.
Rebecca McDonald - Women At Risk, International Founder
Human trafficking is a real and present problem. Rebecca will speak about this issue and how close it truly hits home.
Life is a crazy thing, and change is inevitable. Laugh along with Lucky as she shares a fresh perspective (with a comedic twist) on navigating those life changes.
Weight loss is a struggle that most of us struggle or have struggled with. Dr. Carrie sheds some light on the role that mindset plays in our physical health.
Chef Jenna Arcidiacono - Amore Trattoria Italiana
Chef Jenna will be sharing about serving others through turbulent times. It was this mission that inspired her wonderful non-profit organization called Food Hugs.