Join Us For
SWAN Con '24 is set to be one of the best women's events in the West Michigan area.
As always, we have a stellar lineup of speakers. Bring a friend and enjoy new social games designed for introverts and extroverts alike.
SWAN Con is a one-day conference that will impact women for months to come.
See below for more details on what to expect!

They say the past is an indicator of the future.
Take a glance at some of the wonderful moments captured during past SWAN Cons.
To see more detail, click the large image.
What is
SWAN Con is a one-day event for women that embodies the mission of SWAN - Strong Women Arise Network:
Supporting women at all stages of their careers to improve their mindset and skillset through inspiration, education, and connection.

SWANcon'24 Details & Speakers
Abby Lininger
Life and Money with Abby
Abby will be sharing her unique approach to managing finances based on our character traits. Instead of trying to overcome our personality, we can lean into our strengths to achieve financial success, with her unique concept called Moneyagram!
Holly will be sharing her best tips for dressing and accessorizing with confidence. You’ll learn about choosing colors, the best fit for your body type and more.
Feeling confident makes a big difference in how you enter any situation in business and in life. Take on a new level of confidence with Holly Gort.
Holly Gort
BeYOUtiful Image Consulting
Becky McDonald
Women At Risk (WAR) International
Emmy-Award winning Meteorologist, Katie Nickolaou, will be talking about how being your authentic self helps you to build more genuine relationships and find more success. Let your hair down, laugh, and be empowered to be who you were born to be.
Every year SWAN Con fundraises to join WAR in the fight against human trafficking. Watch this video to learn where Becky’s passion to be the voice for the voiceless began, and about the impact WAR is having around the world and even here in the US.
Katie Nickolaou
Nicole Durga
Development in Progress
Every year SWAN Con fundraises to join WAR in the fight against human trafficking. Watch this video to learn where Becky’s passion to be the voice for the voiceless began, and about the impact WAR is having around the world and even here in the US.
Thank you to our SWANcon'24 Sponsors!
Diamond & Platinum Sponsors